Getting a new coat!

The lovely weather we’ve been having has given us the chance to begin the arduous task of re-siding and paint the house. We have enlisted the help of Sound Colors Painting. You can see them this week spraying and scraping the prep for primer. If we are lucky, we may even, see some color start popping up of the building this year!

Yellow! While prepping the house for work we actively removed baseboard, sanded wood, and scraped a century worth of old paint to find the original color. We believe this is the oldest color on the house. Using Benjamin Moore’s historical collection, we matched this with a lovely light ochre for the siding and a butternut squash color trim.

However, for the winter the house will only be primed. So, the yellow you see now is not the final stage of color. In spring we will put the final coats on and watch the house blossom along with the flowers.

Remember, none of this is possible without your help. Keep us moving forward with a donation today!